The key transportation input to a planning submission is likely to be the undertaking of a transport assessment, resulting in either a full Transport Assessment report or a simplified Transport Statement. In undertaking a transport assessment, issues needing to be considered and reported upon may include:
- site access strategy;
- access / highway improvements;
- adherence to relevant highway standards;
- parking provision, location and layout;
- servicing and emergency access;
- vehicle swept path analysis;
- site accessibility;
- development sustainability;
- derivation of existing traffic flows / conditions;
- traffic growth & committed development;
- vehicular and multi-modal trip generation;
- traffic distribution and assignment;
- junction modelling;
- traffic impact analysis;
- highway safety, including accident analysis; and
- transport planning policy.
A transport assessment might determine that in order to make development acceptable, certain transport mitigation measures may be required. Such mitigation might be in respect of:
- vehicular access;
- traffic calming;
- highway safety;
- highway capacity;
- pedestrian / cycle infrastructure;
- public transport infrastructure / services; and
- travel planning.